Massive congratulations to these wonderful people who found the courage to step on the tatami at the HDKI GB National Open Championships this Saturday. Every single one of them did really well, they conquered their fear and performed in front of hundreds of spectators - and that takes an enormous amount of courage!
Fantastic to see Maryse be on fire, working hard with the rest of the referees - absolutely brilliant. Well done everyone, you should be very proud of yourselves!!!
Thank you to all the organisers, referees/judges and helpers who worked so hard to make this day such a successful event. I know it takes an enormous amount of preparation and team work for this to happen, well done everyone and thank you! Loads of fantastic feedback received from Sonchō Karate Club members for whom this was their very first time they competed in front of such a great audience. Massive milestones have been reached and everyone went home happy with what they achieved! Couldn’t ask for more!
Soncho Karate Club at the HDKI GB National Championships 14/10/2023